We have recently concluded the Lelantus Spark cryptography audit by Hashcloak that was jointly funded by the community and core team funds via the Firo Crowdfunding System! Again this was only possible due to the support and contributions of our FiroFam.
No issues were found in relation to counterfeiting of coins or direct loss of transaction privacy in the Lelantus Spark privacy protocol. Some errors in the paper were found and have been fixed in our updated Lelantus Spark paper that we have updated on our ePrint.
The full report can be read here. We would like to thank Mikerah Quintyne-Collins and her team from Hashcloak for doing a thorough review of Lelantus Spark cryptography.
Our Lelantus Spark paper has also been accepted to the 6th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts, in association with the International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security that will be held on 14-18 February 2022.
Work on Lelantus Spark’s cryptographic libraries is well underway. Once coding is complete, an audit of the code implementing Lelantus Spark will be done. We are currently raising for this audit via MAGIC Grants which accepts not just Firo but fiat and other cryptocurrencies as well. Such donations are tax deductible if you’re a US citizen. If you would like to contribute to the code audit, head over to the GoFundMe page!
We look forward to having Lelantus Spark fully deployed on Firo by Q2 2022 and bringing a whole new level of trustless privacy to Firo and the cryptocurrency ecosystem.