As of the end of February, the Community Fund Committee nomination stage has ended! Here is the list of nominees for the general election of the new CFC!
CFC Candidates
Forum / Telegram / Discord
- @devwarrior / @Dev_Warrior / @devwarrior#5709
- @Eagle / @eagleblac / @EagleKARTAL#2419
- @Fiendish / @FiroFiend / @Fiendish#6111 (Reelection)
- @JereTitor / Jere / N/A
- @nrsimha / @Nrsimha /@nrsimha#8734 (Reelection)
- @rasikhmorani / @rasikhmorani / N/A (Reelection)
- @rehrar / @rehrar / @Diego “rehrar” Salazar#2959 (Reelection)
- @RyanApeFiro / @moviecheff / @ry_alt#6800 (Reelection)
- @sproxet / @sproxet / @sproxet#5932 (Reelection)
All 7 seats are up for the taking! Out of these 9 nominees, only 7 can be elected! I hoped that the Firo community will take their time and carefully consider the options before settling on their voting choices. After our previous CFC election, the seven who were elected were as follows:
- RyanApeFiro
- FiroHero
- Rehrar
- OhGodaGirl
- Sproxet
- RasikhMorani
- Nrsimha
Their terms were for 6 months (which has lasted a little over that), but the new CFC will be elected for a term of 1 year. Thank you all for taking the time to serve the Firo community! Thank you to those who have been nominated and accepted a nomination to do the same! There will be a brief informal interview with each of the nominees, the transcripts of which will be made available in the thread for this CFC General Election.
Responsibilities of CFC Members
- To decide along with taking into account community feedback on how the community fund should be utilized.
- To help evaluate community requests for funding, do due diligence on applicants applying for funding, and obtain all necessary information to ensure sufficient detail for the scope of work.
- To evaluate and approve payment of milestone requests
- To make all reasoning of the CFC for approval/rejection public
- CFC can request for core team’s feedback and opinion on proposals.
- To always conduct themselves with professionalism without resorting to personal attacks or insults.
Requirements for voting
The requirements for someone to be able to vote in the election are as follows:
- Your account for the Firo forum must have at least Trust Level 2.
- If you do not have Trust Level 2 you can donate at least 10 Firo for the Firo Crowdfunding System or the OpenCollective to establish ownership. You will receive Donor status.
- Core team members cannot vote.
- Nominees are allowed to vote.
- You will have a maximum of 7 choices.
- The election will run for ONE (1) month!
If you have donated, but your forum status has not been given a Donor status, please DM @Ajaydono, @DinkBlitz, or @anwar for a status upgrade. This vote is critical, so we urge you all to do the research before casting your votes. These members of the Firo community will be serving this role for 1 year - do not take your responsibility of voting lightly! You are playing a critical part in the future of Firo! Please head on over to the CFC General Election March 2023 thread!