We are happy to announce the extension of the Firo Hummingbot liquidity mining program on Binance for another 12 weeks until the 28th November 2023.
Since the launch of our liquidity mining campaign for FIRO, it’s been exciting to witness an impressive participation from 754 unique miners who’ve partaken in the campaign offered by us. As of today, September 5, 2023, we have accomplished a remarkable feat with the total filled order volume soaring to a staggering $112 million. We extend our appreciation to all existing participants and look forward to your continuous contribution to our campaign. To those who haven’t jumped on board yet, we warmly invite you to join us and earn attractive rewards!
Campaign Terms
Start date: September 05, 2023, 12:00 AM UTC
Total reward pool*: ~US$10,800 (FIRO 300 + HBOT 5,000 per week)
Reward token: FIRO
Eligible token pair: FIRO/BTC & FIRO/USDT
Eligible orders: maker orders placed with spreads of 2.0% or lower
Exchange: Binance
The links above contain referral links which would help support Firo’s core team’s efforts if you sign up to those exchanges through the link.
* Please see Hummingbot’s liquidity mining campaign terms
Getting Started
To get started:
- Sign up on Hummingbot Miner with your email address.
- Install, configure and run Hummingbot. Read the guide here. You can also get help on Hummingbot’s Discord.
- Get Paid: Accumulate token rewards every minute. Get paid at the end of the week.
Note that liquidity only counts towards rewards where they are within 2.0% spread or lower.
Help contribute to $FIRO’s liquidity and get rewarded!
Hummingbot’s Full article: https://support.hummingbot.io/hc/en-us/articles/19238251897881-12-week-extension-for-FIRO-liquidity-mining-campaign