Firo has been accepted into the BPSAA!
Firo is proud to announce that we have been accepted and added as a member of the BPSAA! The acronym BPSAA stands for “Blockchain Privacy, Security, & Adoption Alliance”. They are a think-tank of privacy-focused projects focused on collaborative efforts for privacy innovation.
The BPSAA understands that without privacy, there can be no freedom - it is a founding principle. Firo becoming part of this organization will allow us to collaborate with many other privacy projects to strengthen our project as well as theirs.
What is the BPSAA?
The BPSAA’s initial premise was founded by Piratechain and Turtle Network, but the dream became real when Etho Protocol and Sentinel came on board. Since then, the BPSAA has expanded to 11 member projects, and over 500,000 followers!
The BPSAA’s vision is to educate the public about privacy and security while also uniting projects with goals of financial privacy! Through this alliance, each project will have interoperability and collaboration with one another - each member project has unique expertise to bring to the table.
Our fellow members are Conceal, HandShake, BitTube, Dragonchain, Signum, Komodo, Ergo, Sentinel, Etho Protocol, and PirateChain. Through the alliance will be working with them to create interoperability and innovation in the space.
What benefits will Firo get?
Aside from the collaboration, and interoperability with our fellow members that will prove to be priceless, the members of the BPSAA benefit from many other prospects. Members can get technical assistance as well as access to expert testing panels. We will receive co-marketing efforts from the alliance.
Our membership alone gives us the recognition that we are a high-quality project with a solid team and community. However, this also comes with the benefits of everything we do, produce, adopt, or innovate will get recognition by followers of the BPSAA. It will be that much easier for us all to get the word out about the great things our project is doing.
Firo has long held the view that we cannot create everything, or even go it alone. Nothing can exist in isolation, and only through cooperation and collaboration can we ensure the future of not only the project but for privacy cryptocurrency, and financial freedom as a whole! This admission to the BPSAA is a great leap in the right direction.
The expertise provided by our fellow members will be incomprehensible, and this will only become better as time goes on and more projects are accepted into the alliance. The expertise from these other communities is sure to shore up the weak points that Firo may have, just as we can strengthen their communities.