November 12, 2020
by Noah Pierau
To give you an idea of what’s happening behind the scenes, here is an overview that the Firo development team has shared
#news #dev #community
October 30, 2020
by Firo Team
Zcoin is the first project to launch on Stakehound's liquidity bridge to DeFi ecosystem on Ethereum
October 29, 2020
The ticker name we initially chose was XFR, but we are receiving community feedback that many prefer Firo's ticker to be FIRO.
#news #community
October 27, 2020
by Reuben Yap
Zcoin is rebranding to Firo
Zcoin has rebranded to Firo. Welcome to our new site! We invite everyone to join us in our rebirth. To the future!
October 20, 2020
by Michael Bernhardt
We are happy to open our Lelantus testnet to the public!
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