With the help of our community’s outreach efforts, we have now been listed on TradeOgre with a FIRO/BTC pair, a centralised crypto to crypto exchange with a focus on privacy coins.
TradeOgre has been particularly popular for those seeking to preserve their privacy requiring only an email account to sign-up. The exchange has been operating since 2018 with an anonymous team.
We are immensely thankful to the community members who petitioned TradeOgre to add Firo and are happy to join their stable of privacy coins.
Firo is a community project which is owned by the community and as such we all share collective responsibility in the success of the project. Many of our listings including our most prominent one on Binance were community efforts which goes to show how powerful the collective voice of our Firofam community can be. We greatly encourage our community members to petition exchanges that you want to see Firo on, be it on social media, dropping them an email or dropping them a message!