Lelantus Spark mainnet release date?
During the past 3 months of testnet of Lelantus Spark, we’ve been hard at work resolving issues and bugs and are finally ready to confirm the release schedule of Lelantus Spark on Firo’s mainnet.
We would like to thank our FiroFam who have been reporting bugs through our Spark Testnet Bug Bounty program!
We’ll be making available binaries in preparation for Lelantus Spark activation later this month in November with mainnet activation in January 2024. This will give sufficient time for Firo’s ecosystem to upgrade taking into account the year-end holiday period. Exact dates will be provided with the binary release. So please stay tuned!
Thank you for your continued support in making Lelantus Spark a reality as we usher in a new era of privacy that is the culmination of years of research and development!
Release dates
- Binary Release date: November, 2023
- Mainnet Activation: January, 2024
Youtube video: When is Lelantus Spark releasing on Firo’s mainnet?